
Town Planners Give OK to IDA for Business Park

By Denise Richardson Staff Writer The Oneonta Town Planning Board on Monday night completed a review that took almost a year to approve plans for the newly named Oneonta Business Park, officials said. The approvals mean the site may be marketed as “shovel-ready” for development, officials said. Town planners completed the mandated State Environmental Quality Review Act process for the project presented by the Otsego County Industrial Development Agency, officials said. The site, formerly known as Pony Farm Industrial Park, is owned by the Otsego County IDA, and received approval for up to 400,000 square feet of mixed-use development, according … Read More

Oneonta Business Park Achieves Conceptual Site Plan Approval for Full Buildout

Old Pony Farms Site Now Predictable with Project Approval Timeframe November 16, 2015 (ONEONTA, NY) — Tonight, the Town of Oneonta Planning Board completed the required SEQRA process and review of the proposed full build-out of the remaining acreage in the newly named Oneonta Business Park. The site, owned by the Otsego County IDA and previously known as Pony Farms, received the approval for up to 400,000 square feet of mixed use development. “We are thrilled to reach this milestone of approvals which will greatly enhance the site’s marketability,” commented IDA Chairman Robert Hanft. “the approval of our proposed maximum … Read More

Otsego Now Progress 2015

Here’s what’s new about economic development in Otsego County: It’s driven by iron logic, locally grounded, data based. Take tourism. The privatization of the county Tourism Office into Destination Marketing of Otsego County puts hospitality professionals, led by the ultimate pro, Otesaga GM & VP Jim Milse, in the driver’s seat. The goal is simple: “heads in beds.” The target audience: within 300 miles. TV, radio and print is [sic] being used; what’s new is cutting-edge Internet marketing, identifying likely visitors and delivering the message most ikely to bring them here. Then there’s the five-point approach to attracting family-supporting jobs. … Read More

The Long Haul

  Neal Asbury, host of the popular syndicated talk radio show Made in America, recently delivered a commencement address to 350 graduating MBAs, which was subsequently published in The Manzello Report. It was a very good speech.  Part of what Asbury said resonated with us here at Otsego Now because it described, in places, an important part of our economic development philosophy: Do not be afraid. The road to a success is full of twist and turns. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Any local economy that is suffering from neglect or atrophy or even just the consequences of historical … Read More

Regional Workforce Training Center Up and Running

A lot has been happening here at Otsego Now lately. Most excitingly, we have finally gotten our space here on the fifth floor of 189 Main Street fully furnished and outfitted and it’s all really beautiful! We are winding up our first Employability Training class, too. It will end with distribution of certificates next week. And then we’ll be beginning our first DSP Training class at the end of this month. On top of all that, we held a really exciting and very successful launch event last week that earned us plenty of media coverage. Speakers included Senator James Seward, … Read More

Officials: State Funds Were Result of Hard Work

Projects in Oneonta won more than $2 million in the state’s contest for funding, resulting in pending improvements to infrastructure and work towards economic development. “I’m very pleased with the awards that we received,” Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig said. There were strong applications presenting excellent opportunities, he said, and the funding will help the city move forward. On Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced funding awards to the state’s Regional Economic Development Councils. Awards in the six-county Mohawk Valley REDC, which includes Otsego and Schoharie counties, included more than $3.6 million awarded to projects in Oneonta and Otsego County. Oneonta city … Read More

Mohawk Valley Region Named Top 2015 Performer

Sixteen Otsego County projects receive more than $3.6 million December 10, 2015 (ONEONTA, NY) – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today the award of $100.3 million in Regional Economic Development Council grant funding for the Mohawk Valley Region, including more than $3.6 million awarded to Otsego County-based projects. Projects affiliated with or proposed by Otsego Now alone netted just over $2 million. The Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council was chosen as this year’s Top Performer Awardee in the overall REDC competition. “We are thrilled with the success for Otsego County in today’s grant announcements,” says Robert Hanft, County … Read More