comprehensive plan

Cooperstown Comprehensive Plan – Project Update

The Village of Cooperstown, in partnership with Otsego Now, is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan and preparing a Downtown Revitalization Strategy. Phase I of the project — Project Organization and Public Outreach — was completed in January 2015. The first phase of the project was designed to gain a better understanding of the community’s strengths, weaknesses and areas in need of improvement. Outreach activities included a multi-day design charrette, stakeholder and focus group interviews, attendance at various community events, surveying residents and visitors throughout the downtown, and development of a project website. Phase II of the project, … Read More

Otsego Now Progress 2015

Here’s what’s new about economic development in Otsego County: It’s driven by iron logic, locally grounded, data based. Take tourism. The privatization of the county Tourism Office into Destination Marketing of Otsego County puts hospitality professionals, led by the ultimate pro, Otesaga GM & VP Jim Milse, in the driver’s seat. The goal is simple: “heads in beds.” The target audience: within 300 miles. TV, radio and print is [sic] being used; what’s new is cutting-edge Internet marketing, identifying likely visitors and delivering the message most ikely to bring them here. Then there’s the five-point approach to attracting family-supporting jobs. … Read More

Meeting to Cover Industrial Park Plan

by Joe Mahoney April 2, 2015 — A public meeting will be held in Richfield Springs Monday night to discuss an industrial park proposed for a 137-acre site that runs along both sides of Cemetery Road, between Lake Street and Butternut Road. The meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Richfield High School and will include representatives of the Otsego County Industrial Development Agency, Elan Planning and Delaware Engineering, as well as Richfield town officials and village of Richfield Springs officials. The town and the village are the host municipalities for what is being called a commerce … Read More