Otsego IDA

Ideas Bloom for Food Hub

ONEONTA – Rapid-fire, “food-hub superstar” Karen Karp this morning presented a full menu of new ideas for the “Food & Beverage Innovation District” planned along Oneonta’s Market Street: Renovate the downtown parking deck to include shops and maybe even apartments. Collaborate with SUNY Oneonta’s Sodexo catering service on a restaurant and food-service management training center in a “food hub” in the former Ford dealership at Chestnut and Market streets. Create an Ommegang “off-site research and development brewery” at the same site. (And/or a “modest-size place for contract brewing,” 15-20 barrels at a time, for the Garrattsville-based Butternut Beer & Ale … Read More

IDA 101

What is an IDA? IDA is an acronym for Industrial Development Agency or Authority. So, for example, COIDA is an acronym for County of Otsego Industrial Development Agency. IDAs were created in the State of New York back in 1969 for the express purpose of developing industry within an IDA’s particular jurisdiction. An IDA is created by legislation (the Otsego IDA was created by an act of the Otsego County Board of Representatives in 1973). It is a public benefit agency. There are actually quite a lot of public benefit agencies and authorities and we’re sure you’ve heard of some … Read More

Otsego Now Progress 2015

Here’s what’s new about economic development in Otsego County: It’s driven by iron logic, locally grounded, data based. Take tourism. The privatization of the county Tourism Office into Destination Marketing of Otsego County puts hospitality professionals, led by the ultimate pro, Otesaga GM & VP Jim Milse, in the driver’s seat. The goal is simple: “heads in beds.” The target audience: within 300 miles. TV, radio and print is [sic] being used; what’s new is cutting-edge Internet marketing, identifying likely visitors and delivering the message most ikely to bring them here. Then there’s the five-point approach to attracting family-supporting jobs. … Read More

Business Beat: IDA Announces Funding Opportunities

By Denise Richardson, Business Beat, May 8, 2015 WANTED: Ag-business projects in Otsego County. The Otsego County IDA is seeking applications in its first round of a recently awarded agricultural micro-enterprise grants program, according to a media release. The goal of the program is to encourage development of new, and help in the expansion of existing, agricultural micro-enterprise businesses within the county, the release from the county Industrial Development Agency said. Applications must be postmarked or hand-delivered by 5 p.m. May 27 to the IDA offices at 189 Main St., Suite 500, Oneonta, NY, 13820. The Agricultural Micro-enterprise Program has … Read More

Workforce Training Center Outfitting Will Soon Be Complete!

It’s been just about a year since we began the lengthy process of preparing to create and operate a workforce training center here at Otsego Now. First, we had to secure the funding to furnish and equip the center. That took quite a long time all by itself. Then we had to go find the furniture and equipment that we wanted. Finalize the funding. Place the orders. Await installation. Then, too, we had to secure the separate funding for the programming. That entailed designing the training programs. Securing the curricula. Drafting the paperwork. Consulting the experts on proper grant administration. … Read More

Otsego IDA Launches New Brand with Dynamic New Web Site to Follow

Visitors will learn about development sites, projects and training opportunities March 31, 2015 (ONEONTA, NY) – After undergoing an extensive branding process, the County of Otsego Industrial Development Agency (the IDA) has created a new brand, name, logo and website design in an effort to promote its services and incentives, both in the region and nationally. “Otsego Now” will serve as an umbrella under which multiple types of economic development activities will take place, ranging from site development, to infrastructure enhancement, to community engagement. The branding project seeks to emphasize both the IDA’s innovative approach to development and its deep … Read More