Otsego Now

Otsego Now Board Chair Because Economic Development Matters

Otsego Now has a new Chairman, as you may already know. In addition to all the other things does well, Devin Morgan is also adept at using technology to communicate. He recently posted to his own blog at 3Blazes about his new position and why it, and this organization, matter to the community. So, now that the staff here at Otsego Now have given you our perspective on our new Chairman, take a look at what the Chairman has to say: On March 3, 2016 I was named Chairman of the Board of Otsego Now, which really means jointly chairing … Read More

Springbrook Eyes Bonds for Expansion Project

Springbrook is requesting bond funding for several upcoming projects that are designed to increase student and family access to housing, services and specialized health care, officials said. During a public hearing Tuesday at the organization’s Community Campus in Oneonta, Springbrook’s chief executive officer, Patricia Kennedy, detailed “Springbrook 2020,” a long-term plan that will include — among other additions and renovations — the creation of lodging for visiting parents and a medical clinic open to anyone with developmental disabilities. The meeting was held to solicit public comments, according to Elizabeth Horvath of the Otsego County Capital Resource Corporation; however, only Springbrook … Read More

Otsego Now to Receive Multiple Creative Awards

May 9, 2016 (Oneonta, NY) – The New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC) recently announced that Otsego Now has been named a recipient of several 2016 Marketing, Literature and Promotion Awards. The awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet on Thursday evening, May 26th, during the 2016 NYSEDC Annual Meeting in Cooperstown. Otsego Now was honored as Best in Class for its fiscal-year 2014 Annual Report, which was distributed at a special meeting of the Otsego County IDA and CRC Board in June 2015. In addition, Otsego Now received a Certificate of Excellence for its Workforce Training Center … Read More

Otsego Now Embarks on Training Center Year Two

In the months since our launch event last year, the Otsego Now Regional Workforce Training Center has been in a state of metamorphosis and evolution. Our second-year plan has called for a significant amount of business outreach, as well as meetings with prospective education partners, to forge the relationships we need to move forward. Training programs at the Workforce Training Center will be demand-driven, so business outreach has been critical. An important aspect of the value we intend to offer to area employers is to first understand their workforce needs, then help them meet them. Thanks to our recent outreach … Read More

Ideas Bloom for Food Hub

ONEONTA – Rapid-fire, “food-hub superstar” Karen Karp this morning presented a full menu of new ideas for the “Food & Beverage Innovation District” planned along Oneonta’s Market Street: Renovate the downtown parking deck to include shops and maybe even apartments. Collaborate with SUNY Oneonta’s Sodexo catering service on a restaurant and food-service management training center in a “food hub” in the former Ford dealership at Chestnut and Market streets. Create an Ommegang “off-site research and development brewery” at the same site. (And/or a “modest-size place for contract brewing,” 15-20 barrels at a time, for the Garrattsville-based Butternut Beer & Ale … Read More

Otsego Now Launches Highly Anticipated New Web Site

Web presence provides enhanced communication with local citizens & Site Selector community June 25, 2015 (ONEONTA, NY) — Otsego Now today announced the launch of its highly anticipated new web site at www.otsegonow.com. The site, which is the culmination of a six-month branding project that began last September, is expected to enhance the IDA’s refurbished image and message, packaged under the Otsego Now brand. OtsegoNow.com provides simple and intuitive navigation for any site visitor, whether a local business owner, a site selector, a job seeker in search of training, or an interested community member. “We are thrilled to have a … Read More

Otsego Now Progress 2015

Here’s what’s new about economic development in Otsego County: It’s driven by iron logic, locally grounded, data based. Take tourism. The privatization of the county Tourism Office into Destination Marketing of Otsego County puts hospitality professionals, led by the ultimate pro, Otesaga GM & VP Jim Milse, in the driver’s seat. The goal is simple: “heads in beds.” The target audience: within 300 miles. TV, radio and print is [sic] being used; what’s new is cutting-edge Internet marketing, identifying likely visitors and delivering the message most ikely to bring them here. Then there’s the five-point approach to attracting family-supporting jobs. … Read More