shovel-ready sites

Town to Consider Pony Farm Site Plan

Posted: Sunday, August 16, 2015 1:06 pm | Updated: 6:24 am, Mon Aug 17, 2015. By DON MATHISEN Contributing Writer The town of Oneonta Planning Board is scheduled to vote Monday on the Otsego County Industrial Development Agency’s site plan for 25 acres of vacant land at Pony Farms Industrial Park. If the board gives the plan the thumbs-up, the IDA said, it will begin aggressively marketing the shovel-ready site. According to IDA Chief Executive Sandy Mathes, that could mean up to $50 million in private investment, three new buildings totaling 400,000 square feet, and creation of as many as … Read More

Town Planners Give OK to IDA for Business Park

By Denise Richardson Staff Writer The Oneonta Town Planning Board on Monday night completed a review that took almost a year to approve plans for the newly named Oneonta Business Park, officials said. The approvals mean the site may be marketed as “shovel-ready” for development, officials said. Town planners completed the mandated State Environmental Quality Review Act process for the project presented by the Otsego County Industrial Development Agency, officials said. The site, formerly known as Pony Farm Industrial Park, is owned by the Otsego County IDA, and received approval for up to 400,000 square feet of mixed-use development, according … Read More

Otsego Now Progress 2015

Here’s what’s new about economic development in Otsego County: It’s driven by iron logic, locally grounded, data based. Take tourism. The privatization of the county Tourism Office into Destination Marketing of Otsego County puts hospitality professionals, led by the ultimate pro, Otesaga GM & VP Jim Milse, in the driver’s seat. The goal is simple: “heads in beds.” The target audience: within 300 miles. TV, radio and print is [sic] being used; what’s new is cutting-edge Internet marketing, identifying likely visitors and delivering the message most ikely to bring them here. Then there’s the five-point approach to attracting family-supporting jobs. … Read More