Upstate Revitalization Initiative

Take the MV500 Survey!

We are hoping you can help! As you probably know, our six-county region is competing for $500 million to be spent across 5 years to bring prosperity to our region. There’s a group of people from across the six counties doing research and collecting information in order to create the best possible (and, we hope, winning) proposal for these Upstate Revitalization Fund dollars. You’ve no doubt read in the newspapers about the MV500 group a few times now. There’s a survey that people from across the six counties are completing, found by clicking this link. This is our chance to … Read More

Another Round of Funding

At this time of year, economic developers around the state get very busy, because this is the season of the Consolidated Funding Application, or CFA. Each of the regional economc development councils (REDCs) receives proposals from their member counties, to fund eligible development projects that will have a positive economic impact on the region. We figure out which projects are eligible for which pots of money by combing through a huge tome that lists all the various grants that have been consolidated into those Consolidated Funding Applications. And of course, IDAs are not the only entities that apply for these … Read More