It’s been just about a year since we began the lengthy process of preparing to create and operate a workforce training center here at Otsego Now.
First, we had to secure the funding to furnish and equip the center. That took quite a long time all by itself. Then we had to go find the furniture and equipment that we wanted. Finalize the funding. Place the orders. Await installation.
Then, too, we had to secure the separate funding for the programming. That entailed designing the training programs. Securing the curricula. Drafting the paperwork. Consulting the experts on proper grant administration. We still need to source our instructor(s) and start accepting applications for our first training sessions.
But there is good news now because we are placing those orders and should have the Center outfitted and ready for its public debut by mid-to-late August. We’ll take pictures and post them to this space when all the beautiful furnishings and equipment are installed.
We hit the blocks and we’re very excited.